Sunday, January 13, 2013

CARP farmer-beneficiaries receive livelihood trainings

RIZAL, CAGAYAN-Some 70 agrarian reform beneficiaries/members of the Malaueg Savings Traders Cooperative (MALASATCO) and Rural Improvement Club (of Malaueg, Rizal) attended a skills demo and training under the Synchronized Target Seminar of the Departmentof Agrarian Reform (DAR) and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
      The above-named organizations are the key peoples’ organizations (POs) within the MALAUEG Agrarian Reform Community (Malaueg ARC) in Rizal, Cagayan. 
      The activities involved skills trainining such as mango puree, dried mango and mango chutney; (2) processing bananas into banana chips, banana vinegar, and banana catsup and processing of banana blossom. 
     Also included in the training were costing, pricing, enterprise and financial management for coop officers. The trainings were conducted on November 12-15, 2012 at Rizal, Cagayan and were funded by the DAR Provincial Office of Cagayan. /cds

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